$1+ Billion Recovered


Fatal Newport accident involves ten cars and three deaths

In fast-moving traffic, a single mistake on behalf of one driver can cause a significant amount of damage as fellow drivers slam on their brakes or make sudden turns to avoid being caught in the wreckage. Several California motorists discovered this fact first-hand when one swerving driver caused a 10-car pileup along a stretch of the Pacific Coast

Fatal Newport accident involves ten cars and three deaths Read More »

We don’t want to pay an accident response fee, says California public

When a motor vehicle accident happens, common thoughts and concerns arise over how much the damage to your car will cost or what medical costs will be associated with any possible injuries sustained in the car accident. While many concerns run through the mind, few people think about the costs associated with cleaning up the

We don’t want to pay an accident response fee, says California public Read More »

DWD: Distracted With Doggy, the New Form of Dangerous Roadway Behavior

Dogs hanging out the window of a vehicle may look seriously cute, but letting a dog roam around a vehicle can be an extremely dangerous roadway behavior. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, dogs were listed as one of the many distractions that caused the thousands of traffic fatalities last year.

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San Fran’s Connecting the City Campaign Aims to Make City Safe for Bicycles

San Francisco has some of the most beautiful, windy roads surrounded by historical sites and amazing landscape views. But it is those same beautiful windy roads that have parents across the city worried about taking their children with them on a bicycle ride. The city attracts a large amount of tourists which combine with residential

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Traffic Data Says San Francisco is a Dangerous City for Motorcycles

San Francisco is a beautiful town with amazing sites that combine both tourist fascination and residential utility. The warm temperatures and incredible sites make it a kind of mecca for motorcycle riders. However, along with an increased motorcycle population comes and increased risk of fatal motorcycle accidents.

Traffic Data Says San Francisco is a Dangerous City for Motorcycles Read More »

San Francisco Policy Makers Focus on Reducing Pedestrian Accidents

New Year’s resolutions are in full force for people across the nation, and San Francisco policy makers have resolved to reduce the number of serious pedestrian accidents caused each year. San Francisco’s unique structure and attractions draw a large number of pedestrians, but the city also leads the nation in the number of annual pedestrian

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