$1+ Billion Recovered


Yust v the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) | Transgender Discrimination Case

In October 2010, a DMV employee, who had a known history of denying equal service to transgender customers, retained Yust’s personal information through his employment at the DMV. The employee then used the information to send her materials condemning her transgender status, and calling for homosexuals to be “put to death.” The matter resolved with the

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Your Right to Protest

The right to protest is fundamental to our democracy and sacrosanct. The Founding Fathers thought that the right was so important that they wrote it into the first 45 words of the Bill of Rights and labeled it the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,

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What Makes Motorcycle Accidents Different from Car Accidents?

Written By Chris Dolan and Phil Johnson Motor vehicle accidents are dangerous, but not all crashes are suffered equally. Motorcyclists are 24 times more likely to die in a crash than those inside a motor vehicle, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Indeed, while motorcyclists make up only 3.5 percent of all registered

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What to Do Immediately After a Car Accident in California: A Step-by-Step Guide

Written By: Chris Dolan and Monica La According to the California DMV, most drivers, no matter how carefully they drive, will be involved in at least one vehicle collision during their lifetime, and one person in three will be injured or killed. Some of the common causes of vehicle collisions are: California is an at-fault

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Vehicle Collision into California Stores: Who’s liable for damages?

This week’s question comes from Alyssa from Burbank, CA who asks: I heard a loud commotion and went outside to see that a car had crashed into the corner convenience store. It went right into the glass front of the building, and only the trunk is visible from the sidewalk. Today it is all boarded up,

Vehicle Collision into California Stores: Who’s liable for damages? Read More »

Ride Share Driver Insurance and California Proposition 22

Written By Chris Dolan and Aimee Kirby This week’s question comes from Arsen from South San Francisco, CA, who asks: I had been driving for a rideshare company before the laws were changed, and although it was hard during the pandemic, I continued to drive for them. I need clarification about their different insurance options

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