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Unfortunately, victims of a motorcycle accident often suffer severe and debilitating injuries. Since motorcycle riders are less protected during collisions it is all too common for victims to seriously damage their spine or head, which can lead to paralysis and even death. Of course, the other driver involved in the accident could also sustain grave injuries, meaning that motorcycle accidents do harm to everyone involved.

Inventor Giuseppe Pino Mileto claims that he has created a device which can drastically reduce the number of motorcycle collisions worldwide. Mileto’s invention is called the Motorcycle Warning System and, once released, supporters believe that it could prevent thousands of motorcycle accidents every year.

The device operates under a relatively simple concept: the moment that a motorcycle and a car inch dangerously close to one another, the Motorcycle Warning System will set off an alarm to notify the driver of an impending collision. In addition to sounding an alarm, the device will also activate a warning light in order to completely ensure that the driver is aware of the dangerous situation.

However, this seemingly simple idea is supported by complex and sophisticated technology. Once a motorcycle rider and a car or truck driver have installed the device, the Motorcycle Warning System will be able to sense once a rider moves into the driver’s “danger zone” and set off the appropriate alarm.

According to Mileto, 75 percent of all motorcycle accidents occur because motorists simply do not realize that a motorcycle rider is sharing their section of the road. Mileto hopes that his invention will provide a solution to this problem, preventing accidents and saving lives in the process.

Source: Thinking Clearly, “Motorcycle Accidents: New Invention Revealed To Reduce Fatalities.” Patricia Ridgeway, 10 March 2011

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Substantial investigative, financial and technological resources that no individual attorney or small law firm can provide.

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Substantial investigative, financial and technological resources that no individual attorney or small law firm can provide.


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