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Motorcyclist converge on City Hall, demand parking changes

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San Francisco Chronicle Thursday, May 8, 2003

On the street and not enforcing the law that prohibits “responsible” motorcycle parking on sidewalks.

“And most of all” the Bill of Rights concludes, “we have the right to keep smiling, to keep the rubber side down, and keep on step ahead of the congestion that we help ease” writing when it comes to motorcycles parked on sidewalks, as long as pedestrian access isn’t blocked.

“Motorcycle concerns haven’t been part of the formula,” he said. “The city’s lack of motorcycle parking is a good example of this.”

San Francisco does provide nearly 1,700 legal, motorcycle-only parking spaces on the street sidewalks. State law forbids it, and senior and disabled advocacy groups in the city have been just a vocal about keeping the sidewalks uncluttered.

However, acknowledged Diana Hammons, spokeswomen for the Department of Parking and Traffic, ticketing motorcycles parked between two planters, for instance or somewhere else on the sidewalk where they won’t get in four bikes, but I only ride one at a time” said Waugh, who arrived at City Hall on a Kawasaki Elimina-helmet law. Now he owns 10 head protectors, but still envies riders in Arizona and other states where element’s said Silvia Hernan a Mission District resident rides around town on an old Honda two-wheeler. Still there are the hassles – the holes and the $100 tickets parking on the sidewalk.

And, said Dolan the horn walking outside and seeing parked motorcycle knocked by a car.

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