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Stay safe when you ride your bicycle on the roads

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Riding a bicycle can be dangerous, but by following some safety tips, you can keep yourself safer on the roads. For instance, it is important to always be in control of your bicycle; don’t travel too fast or in dangerous areas if you can’t handle your bike. Second, make sure to wear your helmet to prevent a head injury in a crash. Third, ride with traffic, not against it, and fourth, always try to stay as visible and alert as possible, so you can try to prevent accidents if others aren’t paying attention.

To stay visible, consider wearing bright-colored clothing or purchasing a visibility vest. These vests are bright yellow, green or orange. You often see construction workers wearing them to make themselves stand out on work sites on highways or roadways.

When you ride with traffic, make sure you ride close to the curb in the right-hand lane. If you’re on a one-way street, it’s okay to ride on the left as well, but make sure you’re staying as tight to the curb as possible without putting yourself in danger. If you see parked or parking cars, be wary, because a driver could open the door and cause you to strike it head-on.

Motorists should be aware that they need to look behind and beside themselves before opening doors when parked along a road. If a motorist is passing a cyclist, enough room should be given to prevent bumping into the cyclist or forcing the person off the road. A clearance of at least three feet is expected.

Source: CA.gov, “Sharing the Road (FFDL 37) Safety Tips for Bicyclists and Motorists,” accessed Jan. 01, 2016

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