The city of San Francisco added street barriers along five blocks of Capp St from 18th to 22nd to deter alleged prostitution. This action may violate local statues and city fire codes. The fire department is worried about lack of access that could delay emergency response times.
In an interview with ABC news, Chris Dolan said:
“The fire code specifies the type of access that fire trucks need to have for public safety. The vehicle code allows local governments to put limitations on traffic movement based on crime. So both of these have an effect. They need to be balanced.”
“A public process including consultation with the fire department and other safety forces,” should be held in a public hearing. Dolan said “Many of the residents may have unique needs, for example, a resident may be disabled and may need access to their garage.”
Local city and emergency department need to come together to balance the needs of the community.
See full ABC News story here: