$1+ Billion Recovered

Civil Rights

Is a Trial the Same as An Arbitration?

Written By Chris Dolan and Carole Okolowicz This week’s question comes from John from San Francisco, who asks: What is the difference between having a trial versus going to mediation? Dear John, There are many ways to resolve a legal dispute, whether a lawsuit is filed or not. Most people have heard of a trial in

Is a Trial the Same as An Arbitration? Read More »

Concealed Weapons Permit, CCW, Debate Continues In California

Written By Chris Dolan and Matthew Gramly This week’s question comes from Anonymous, who asks: What happened to the recent concealed carry permit legislation that was pending regarding carrying a concealed handgun? Dear Anonymous, Thank you for your question. As many of us know, California has some of the strictest gun control laws in the

Concealed Weapons Permit, CCW, Debate Continues In California Read More »

Freedom To Walk Act Ends Jaywalking, When It’s Safe To Cross

Written By Chris Dolan and Alexandra Cotroneo  This week’s question comes from Betty from San Francisco, who asks: Can you explain what The Freedom To Walk Act is all about? Why is jaywalking safe and better for pedestrians?  Hi Betty, That is a great question, and I am sure many people are asking themselves the

Freedom To Walk Act Ends Jaywalking, When It’s Safe To Cross Read More »

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