$1+ Billion Recovered

San Francisco Spinal Cord Injuries Attorney


With deep expertise in personal injury law, we at Dolan Law Firm are committed to obtaining justice and compensation for our clients who have been affected by negligence. We offer compassionate, individualized attention at every step of the legal process. Get in touch with us today for exceptional legal representation.

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Settlement Records


Pedestrian Accident


Bicyclist Accident


Car Accident


Motorcyclist Accident


The spine is one of the most complex parts of the body. Understanding the medical facts and being able to explain them to a jury are skills that a trial lawyer develops with time and experience.

Spinal Cord Injury Symptoms

Symptoms of a spinal cord injury include numbness, intense pain, radiating pain, loss of grip strength, loss of sensation and difficulty breathing. Disabilities from this type of injury usually cause chronic problems, requiring long-term physical therapy, epidural injections, spinal traction, back surgery, and lifetime assistance and care. You need an attorney experienced in handling these cases and the special issues they present.

Injuries to the spinal cord include fractures of a vertebra (cervical, thoracic or lumbar), a blown disk or crushed disk, a severing of the spinal cord by gunshot or knife wound and damage to connective tissues. The leading cause of spinal cord injuries is motor vehicle accidents.

Greater Injury to a Pre-Existing Condition

It is also important to remember that if you have a pre-existing condition, you are more susceptible to a spinal cord injury, and the law permits a greater recovery to account for the increased damage you may suffer. Because of the complex testimony necessitated by these cases, it is important to work with an attorney experienced in handling the medical evidence and sophisticated presentation to a jury necessary to obtain the compensation you will need after a spinal cord injury.

Experienced Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys

At the Dolan Law Firm, our personal injury attorneys have tried numerous spinal cord injury cases and obtained excellent results for seriously injured people in the Bay Area. We have the experience, medical experts and resources needed to bring an effective spinal cord injury case to court.

If you or a loved one has suffered a back injury, contact our San Francisco law office online or call 888-452-4752 to schedule a consultation. We have helped hundreds of people obtain financial recovery so they could get the medical and rehabilitation help they needed.

  • $2.4 million settlement for a 72-year-old woman who suffered a fracture of the cervical vertebrae that led to complete
    paralysis (quadriplegia) after tripping on an uneven sidewalk that was poorly maintained by the city and county of San Francisco.
  • $1.58 million verdict for a motorcyclist who now suffers
    chronic back pain as a result of a collision with a car turning left in front of him. This case was quite complex because our client had a pre-existing back condition and the other party argued that our client’s problems stemmed from this pre-existing condition, not the force of the collision.

Not every case goes to trial, but the same thorough investigation and careful preparation are needed to persuade insurance companies to offer an appropriate settlement.

  • We recently settled a case for a client whose pre-existing back condition was greatly aggravated in a car accident. We were able to secure a $1 million settlement for her.
  • We obtained a $1.65 million settlement for a motorcyclist who suffered a
    T11 fracture after his cycle went down on a dangerous stretch of gravel left behind on a public roadway after road construction.

Paralysis (paraplegia, quadriplegia, tetraplegia) is the most serious and life-changing outcome of a spinal cord injury, but soft tissue injuries involving the spine also have a tremendous impact on daily life.

  • We obtained an $868,000 verdict for a client who was struck by a car and suffered a
    bulging disk in her spine.
  • We’ve represented clients in
    whiplash syndrome cases — neck and back pain resulting from rear-end collisions that cause the head to snap forward and back suddenly.

We’ve handled several cases involving chairs that collapse under patrons in restaurants or students in schools. We have represented people who suffered back and spinal cord injuries when a balcony or stairway collapsed and from sudden elevator drops.

Contact Our Attorneys With Offices in Oakland, San Francisco and Sacramento

The personal injury lawyers of the Dolan Law Firm are dedicated to getting you the best result possible. We do not charge a fee unless we recover damages so you have nothing to lose by talking with a lawyer about your case. Email the attorneys at Dolan Law or call 888-452-4752.

Evening and weekend appointments are available. We will come to you at your home or the hospital if you are unable to come to us.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Individual, attentive legal representation by highly experienced crash and accident attorneys with an outstanding record of success;
Substantial investigative, financial and technological resources that no individual attorney or small law firm can provide.

Individual, attentive legal representation by highly experienced crash and accident attorneys with an outstanding record of success;
Substantial investigative, financial and technological resources that no individual attorney or small law firm can provide.

Individual, attentive legal representation by highly experienced crash and accident attorneys with an outstanding record of success;
Substantial investigative, financial and technological resources that no individual attorney or small law firm can provide.

Individual, attentive legal representation by highly experienced crash and accident attorneys with an outstanding record of success;
Substantial investigative, financial and technological resources that no individual attorney or small law firm can provide.


Personal Injury

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How it works

Intake meeting with our case managers

Evidence gathering with our legal teams

Pre-litigation settlement efforts


Resolution or trial/arbitration

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